Method for Scaling the Indoor Pass-by Noise Testing on a Roller Test Bench in a Small Anechoic Chamber
Matthias Behrendt; Gerhard Robens; Albert Albers
The pass-by noise is a necessary validation step within the vehicle development process for the homologation of every vehicle. With respect to accuracy and reproducibility and to avoid for example weather conditions etc. there is an effort to transfer the pass-by noise measurement into an acoustic roller test bench. Therefore an acoustic chamber in the size of the ISO 362 track is obligatory. Those chambers are very expensive and often not possible because of the facility’s infrastructure.
The anechoic chamber at IPEK – Institute of Product Engineering at KIT includes a four-wheel roller test bench but is not providing the ISO 362 track dimensions. In order to measure the complete length of the test track in small chambers it is necessary to develop a method for scaling the measurement setup. In this contribution the focus is the scaling from large to small chambers and not the transfer from road to rig itself.
To quantify related influences the paper at hand deals with measurements by the use of generic sources, for example a full and a half dodecahedron and discusses the results. These results are transferred to the vehicle application in order to get valid and reproducible results.
Acoustic; Indoor Pass-by; Anechoic Chamber; Dodecahedron