
Phenomenological Models to Re-Proportion Alternative Binder Blocks

Radhakrishna Radhakrishna; Sasalatti Vinod. M.; Venugopal K; Venu Madhav Tirupathi
Despite the extensive developments in the construction industry, cement concrete still remains as the major and popular building material. The main drawback of cement composites is the deterrent to sustainability. As an alternative, new materials are to be developed which can completely replace traditional cement without compromising the strength and durability. In the present investigation of alternative binders, geopolymer and FaL-G were developed to traditional cement. Both the binders were used to develop masonry units and concrete. Phenomenological models were advanced to develop mix proportion for the masonry blocks and concrete. The pattern of strength variation was found to be in accordance with generalized Abrams’ law at various fluid-to-binder ratios (FBR). The strength data was further analyzed within the framework of generalized Abrams’ law, which has already been validated for cement-based composites. To formulate the phenomenological model, the strength data at a specific binder-to-fluid ratio was identified as reference value. The strength ratio used in the phenomenological models reflects the synergy between different ingredients in the microstructure of the composites. The validity of phenomenological model thus developed was examined with an independent set of experimental data generated at reference state and the same set of values were used to find the strength development at any other FBR and compared with actual values. Heat cured geopolymer, ambient cured geopolymer, and FaL-G blocks were considered in this paper.
Fly Ash; Geopolymer; FaL-G; Compressed Blocks; Fluid-to-Binder Ratio; Abrams’ Law; Phenomenological Model
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