A Unified Yang Mills Field and Higgs Field towards a Superfluid Model for Particles of the Universe
Woon Siong Gan
A different approach using the covariant derivative, the theoretical framework of local gauge invariance is used to derive the Yang Mills field, unlike the usual way of extending the Maxwell’s equations from linear to nonlinear cases by adding a quadratic term in the vector potential. This avoids the weakness of resulting massless particles as Maxwell’s equation is meant for photons which are massless. Also since Yang Mills field is basically electromagnetic in nature and electromagnetic force is long range in nature and so it cannot explain the subatomic range of forces in the nucleus. Covariant derivative is also used to derive the Higgs field as covariant derivative is applicable to both symmetry and broken symmetry cases. A detailed mass acquisition mechanism for material particles and force particles is given for the Higgs field. This paves the way towards a unified Yang Mills Field and Higgs field. I show that the Yang Mills field is a special case of the united field when the temperature is above the critical temperature of the spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) when the Higgs field is zero and the masses of all particles are zero. This shows that SSB like Yang Mills theory is also an important ingredient of the Standard Model. It even has a broader implication that it can be extended to all particles in the universe unlike Yang Mills theoy is only meant for the atomic particles. Higgs boson is a product of SSB and it causes the Big Bang point to the role of SSB in the Big Bang creation of the universe and this give support to the superfluid model for the particles of the universe. I thus extend SSB to all particles of the universe and hence propose a superfluid model as the theory beyond the Standard Model to describe all the particles in the universe, including the dark energy particles and the dark matter particles. The critical temperature for SSB is equivalent to the extremely high temperature which occurs during the Big Bang. My thought has the support of the works of Tom Kibble and Kerson Huang who also propose second order phase transition and SSB to describe the early universe.
Covariant Derivative; Yang Mills Field; Higgs Field; Unified Field; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking; Second Order Phase Transition; Order Parameter; Mass Acquisition Mechanism; Material Particle; Force Particle; Superfluid Model; Dark Energy Particles