Some Unique Propagation Characteristics of Linearly Graded Multilayered Planar Optical Waveguides
Partha Roy Chaudhuri; Sudip Chatterjee
The properties of guided light in linearly-graded refractive index profile planar optical waveguides with multilayered structure are studied in view of their unique characteristics. Towards exact analysis, we perform mode-calculation of the given waveguide structures using a formulation with Airy functions devised with the exponential ones as solutions to Helmholtz’s equation. First, we confirm the efficacy of our analysis by applying appropriate solution schemes to a few known waveguides having such linearly-graded index profiles that are studied and reported in the literature with quoted results. Then we visit the field confinement properties of such multilayered waveguides that are sensitive to various structural parameters. We demonstrate the progressive field penetration in low-index core region and single-mode operation at high core-depth as useful properties with unique advantages. These characteristics are particularly relevant in accessing guided field, in sensing and in controlling modal propagation in guided wave devices. The study should be useful to design and explore new devices for applications in integrated optics.
Linearly Graded Index Waveguide; Mode Effective Index; Mode Field Distribution; Multilayered Waveguide; Confinement Factor