Effect of Cutting Oil Viscosity on Tool Wear Reduction in Turning Using an MQL System
Tsukuru Kodera; Shuuichi Shutou; Takashi Nakae; Takahiro Ryu; Hajime Ono; Hironori Matsuoka
The present paper describes the influence of the viscosity of cutting oil on tool wear and the roughness of the finished surface when using a cemented carbide tool in dry and minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) systems for turning. The following results were obtained. (1) At a feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev, the side flank boundary wear reduction effect was obtained with cutting oil having a low viscosity of 4.9 mm2/s in the MQL system, irrespective of cutting speed. The front flank boundary wear increased in MQL compared to dry cutting, and double boundary wear was observed. (2) At a feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev, cutting oil having a moderate viscosity of 9.3 mm2/s provided suitable side flank boundary wear, irrespective of cutting speed. (3) The front flank boundary wear obtained using the MQL system was greater than that for dry cutting. The transcription of the groove of this front flank boundary wear formed the finished surface roughness.
Cutting; Turning; Dry; MQL; Viscosity Grade; Tool Wear; Finished Surface Roughness