Extended Use of Coulomb’s Law in Relation to Established Laws within Electromagnetism
J. O. Jonson
The competence of the basically electrostatic Coulomb’s Law has historically been assumed to be restricted to pure electrostatics. As soon as electric charges were studied in motion, new sets of laws were introduced to explain the electromagnetic forces that are impelled by the motion. Among these new laws are Neumann’s law of induction, Grassmann’s force law, Lorentz’ force law, and Ampère’s force law. Furthermore, the difficulties in explaining the nature of light have given rise to the so-called wave-particle paradox. 1997 was the first year of the public circulation of research results that succeeded in showing that the basic force behind cases involving electricity or, more precisely, electromagnetism, can be derived from electrostatics. The aim of this article is to unify the results of existing theoretical research that discusses problems inherent within the prevailing standpoint on electromagnetism. In this paper, the conflict between the Lorentz Force Law and Ampère’s Law is explored. Simultaneously, an alternative based strictly on electrostatics is closely examined. The very limited interest in this field of research, however, makes the amount of existing papers rather limited. The present study’s new intervention is as follows: The so-called Ampère forces between collinear currents, as in Ampère’s bridge and in exploding wires, have been explained to be due to electrostatics, provided that the propagation delay dependant on the motion of charges is correctly taken into account. The Lorentz Force Law fails in this case. Additionally, electromagnetic induction can be explained by applying electrostatics, whereas the induction law fails. Light on the orbit electrons in the atoms involved in excitation and de-excitation of states can be explained using Coulomb’s law (this has been widely disputed within science). The appearance of light at an atom hit by electromagnetic radiation can be shown to constitute a case of electromagnetic induction. The present study’s conclusion is therefore that Coulomb’s law is the only necessary force law within electromagnetism.
Coulomb’s Law; Ampere’s Law; Ampere’s Bridge; Grassmann’s Law; Lorentz’ Force Law; Neumann’s Law; Lenz’ Law; Electromagnetic Radiation; Graneau’s Exploding Wires; Propagation Delay; Sagnac Effect; Special Relativity Theory