Co-created e-Services: The Synthesis of a New Field of Study
Thomas J. McCormick
This paper utilizes prior case study research and empirical data in order to synthesize an entirely new field of study – Co-created e-Services. Co-creation enables the sharing of innovation and development activities in a close partnership between end-users and service providers. This partnership is enhanced through the innovative use of information technology by creating new interfaces which facilitate the interactions required for the effective co-creation of e-services. The synthesis method involves the logical combining of diverse research from multiple fields of study into a cohesive whole. Prior research from the fields of co-creation, service transformation and e-Services is used to introduce this new field of study.
Case studies have provided qualitative insights into the interactions between end-users and service providers, while empirical studies provide quantitative measures upon which to make judgments. The synthesis method enables the simultaneous combining of case study and empirical results from three different fields of study into a cohesive framework with the implementation steps necessary to enable the transformation to Co-created e-Services. A transformational framework and the associated steps are necessary to guide future research in this new field and to enable product- oriented organizations to achieve enhanced economic growth and development through the implementation of Co-created e-Services.
e-Services; Co-Creation; Synthesis Method; Service Transformation; Network Economics