
Photoluminescence Behaviours of CePO4: Tb3+, M (M = Li+, Ba2+, Bi3+) Nanoparticles Synthesized in Different Reaction Medium

N. Rajmuhon Singh; Reena Okram
Highly luminescent Tb3+ doped CePO4 nanoparticles (NPs) co-doped with some metal ions (Li+, Ba2+, Bi3+) are prepared using different solvents. The prepared samples show changes in phase and luminescent properties with the solvent used. Samples prepared in EG shows maximum luminescence intensity compared to other solvents. Highly green luminescence properties of the prepared NPs are due to the emission peak at 544 nm corresponding to 5D4→7F5 transition of Tb3+. The hexagonal phase of the samples prepared in water and water mixed solvent transformed to monoclinic phase after heating at 900oC. The luminescence intensity further enhanced with co-doping of Li+ ions while co-doping of Ba2+ and Bi3+ ions reduces the intensity. These NPs can be incorporated in polymer films such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Thus the prepared phosphors can be used as green emitting material in the field of illuminations and display devices.
Rare Earth; Enhanced Luminescence; Phase Change; Nanoparticles; Re-dispersible
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