
A Maritime Transport and The Environmental Risk

Brahim Idelhakkar; Abdellah Achergui
Economic reflections on the environment are relatively recent: The broader issues of management of scarce resources (oil) or renewable (fisheries) are an even more recent concern, but toward which the public is sensitized, as evidenced the rise of environmental concerns. Although shipping is considered one of the means of transport that causes little harm to the environment, it may have important effects if standards are not observed or are not enforced. Pollution is part of one of the main problems of the environment. All economic transactions; trade, production or consumption by generating mechanical effects of various types of waste: liquid, solid, gaseous are a veritable source of pollution. When these operations generate waste, it is not without environmental impacts. We then speak of "pollution" when environmental assets are degraded and damaged. Economic evaluation of environmental assets, the weathercalculation of damage in disasterwhich are natural origin or resulting from human activity of profits, and damage caused by the implementation of development projects ,have now an important place in public decision making.
Risk; Tanker; Externality; Oil Pollution; Market Benefits; Environmental Regulation Insurance.
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