
Towards Production Network (PN) Theory Contributions from Systems of Models, Concurrent Enterprising and Distributed Manufacturing

Hermann Kuehnle
Production Networks (PN) fundamentally differs from hierarchical organisations, as they emphasise speed, re-linking and reconfiguration. For the decisions for realignment of units and the reallocations of resources, configurations on changing levels of detail and control actions, generic models in line with concurrency modes give an adequate base for the description, the control and the evolution of PNs. Simultaneous application of selected interrelated models may generate very efficient procedures for PN management. Moreover collaboration between dispersed locations is well ICT supported. However, for lack of overall conjectures, management solutions are fragmented. PNs may generally be modelled as Hausdorff spaces and the respective tangent spaces. Specific mappings as well as applications of concurrency modes may be introduced for improving coherence and speeding up decisions. Methods and models appear as embedded structures, carrying the fold/unfold properties of graphs and systems. Interoperability requirements induce standardizations for the models. The specific synthesis of the concurrency modes with criticality thinking results in procedures for gradual and evolving adaptations of production networks’ structures, most adequate to PN’ complexity. Ground laying theory always strengthens the convergence of terminology, methods and models that are developed and applied on a research area. In this sense this paper intends to contribute to a coherent body of knowledge for PN design and management by theory building.
Concurrency Modes; Generic Models; Network Evolution; Collaborative Planning; Cyclic Decision Procedure; Criticality
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