
A Binding Model Of Insurance to Restrict the Marine Pollution

Brahim Idelhakkar
Among commodity products in the world, oil is the mostly transported. Most of the oil flowing in the world is carried on specific ships, tankers. They can easily deliver large quantities of -either crude or refined -oil to places where they are needed, often following the same routes. The shipping of these products is done under conditions of strict security provided by the oil companies, ship-owners who have the ships and the states that register them. Oil tankers can have very different sizes. They are classified according to their transport capacity measured in tones of crude. Thus, in response to a constantly increasing demand, the oil freight (transportation of crude but also fuel, fuel or basic products for the petrochemical industry) continues to grow. Among commodity products in the world, oil is the mostly transported. Most of the oil flowing in the world is carried on specific ships, tankers. They can easily deliver large quantities of -either crude or refined -oil to places where they are needed, often following the same routes. The shipping of these products is done under conditions of strict security provided by the oil companies, ship-owners who have the ships and the states that register them. Energy consumption by shipping is the source of many pollutants. Environmental risks associated with exporting and shipping of oil in particular can be very important. The resulting effects are diverse and often complex. For some of them (impacts on the built environment, visibility, vegetation: wildlife, health) it is however possible to give some quantification in physical terms. The monetary value of these effects can refer to their economic cost or to a "contingent valuation", and it raises some methodological difficulties. Today the risk is financial, social, physical, environmental and human. The shipping company must manage after identifying risks and knowing how to transfer them to insurers, sovereign states, take offs to the maritime adventure, as the sea still remains a wild world. Worldwide, operators require the highest levels ever of environmental and social performance of industry.
Oil pollution, tanker ;externality; market failure; risk; regulation; free negotiation ;insurance
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