
Rapid Method of Small RNA Purification in Applications Involving RNA-Protein Interactions

Marimuthu Citartan; Soo-Choon Tan; Thean-Hock Tang
In vitro analysis of RNA-protein interaction requires good quality RNA. Most of the current methods of RNA purification are tedious, time consuming and involves incomplete separation of degraded and full-length RNA. Moreover, these methods are also associated with hazardous materials such as ethidium bromide and phenol: chloroform. In addition, impurities co-purified with RNA samples can be potential contaminants that can compromise output signal such as signal measurement in Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). Previously, we have reported on the fast and cost-effective method of small RNA purification from polyacrylamide gel (PAGE) as an alternative in alleviating problems often experienced with the current methods of purification. Optimal temperature-dependant elution of the small RNA was within the range of 50-60 °C. Our method of small RNA purification can be employed towards preparing RNA for RNA-protein interaction assays, since most of these analyses involve RNA with the size of 20-140 nucleotides long as the ligand. In this review, we attempt to overview the potential applicability of our small RNA purification method in several assays of RNA-protein interaction.
RNA Purification; RNA-Protein Interaction
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