Industrial Robot Application in Automobile Industry in Countries of Asia
Isak Karabegovi?; Ermin Husak
An assumption for satisfaction of needs and technological efficacy is related to: scientific knowledge, manufacturing operations, general technical organizational stage, engineering experience, equipment expediency and other vocational and human skills. Technological efficacies imply an improvement of technical solutions in automation domain of technological processes and application of intelligent systems in different industrial branches where automobile industry belongs to. There are a number of industrial robot applications in automobile industry today, in Asia and in other continents in the world. Their application is motivated by technical and economical reasons like: quality improvement of the completed products, fallout decrease (in montage processes), rate enlargement of the quality homogeneity-constancy (in all processes linked to robot application repeatability), security operation rate enlargement ( in aggressive, burning, explosive and other areas, with the high rate of robot protection), decrease of the necessary work force in routine and repeatability processes, manufacture cost minimising and overall maintenance, fulfilment of demands required by a competition and more rigorous quality standards. This paper provides an analysis of industrial robot application in automobile industry in countries of Asia with an overview on application trend and future development of the same industry.
Industrial Robot; Automobile Industry; Robot Application; New Technologies; Automobile