Climate Change Mitigation Potential from Carbon Sequestration of Community Forest in Mid Hill Region of Nepal
Suman Aryal; Ganesh Raj Joshi; Govinda Bhandari; Anup K. C.
Forest can capture and retain large amount of carbon over long periods. To estimate the climate change mitigation potential from carbon stock of the forest, the study was conducted in Ghwangkhola Sapaude Babiyabhir Community Forest (GSBCF) in SyangjaDistrict of Nepal. The total carbon stock of forest was measured from April 1-25, 2011 by following the Forest Carbon Measurement guideline. The forest was with Castonopsis-Scima lying at an altitude range of 970 to1320 masl. More than 90% of the trees having a diameter of less than 20 cm indicate high potential of increasing biomass in the future. The above ground tree biomass, above ground sapling biomass, biomass in herbs and litter and below ground biomass was 126.3, 2.88, 7.54 and 27.34 ton/ha, respectively. The total carbon stock, annual carbon sequestration rate and total CO2 mitigation potential was 122.29, 0.45 and 1.64 ton/ha, respectively. Reduced emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD) should be implemented for getting monetary benefit of carbon dioxide mitigation that will help to conservation of forest.
Climate Change; Mitigation; Carbon Sequestration; Community Forest