
Adsorption of Racemic Compound on Chiral Polymer: Enantioselectivity Prediction and Interpretation from Molecular Orbital Theory

Hirokjyoti Bora; Swapnali Hazarika
Adsorptive interaction of racemic compound with chiral polymers has been analysed from a study on the adsorption in liquid phase. Adsorption affinity which is expressed as the slope of the linear region of the isotherm for S and R isomer of the racemic compound is found to be different for different chiral polymers used as adsorbent systems. The adsorptive interaction computed from frontier orbital theory seems to correlate well with the experimentally measured adsorption affinity of different isomers. Electronic states of adsorbent and adsorbate were calculated by the semiempirical molecular orbital (MO) method exploiting HOMO/LUMO interaction using PM5 wave function through a geometric optimization method. The experimentally measured adsorption affinity, enthalpy of adsorption for different isomers and selectivity seems to correlate well with the adsorptive interaction energy computed from molecular orbital theory. The result of the investigation provides an implication to design suitable chiral polymer for resolution of racemic compounds.
Chiral Polymer; Adsorption Affinity; HOMO; LUMO; Interaction Energy
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