
Investigation of Interaction Between Surface and Groundwater of Ball Ranch in the Upper San Joaquin River Watershed

Eric Escobar; Lubo Liu
The interaction between surface water and groundwater was investigated by monitoring and analyzing the groundwater table’s fluctuation in the study area, Ball Ranch of California. Based on the observed data and computer modeling results, this paper studied how groundwater was affected by the flux of the nearby San Joaquin River, precipitation, and evapotranspiration. The site is also bordered and highly influenced by the San Joaquin River located to the west of the site. The flux of the river is reflected in the monitoring wells with a noticeable lag time that was measured using a data logger. This lag time varied based upon the distance of the monitoring well from an open surface water feature such as the main pond. The water table is also affected by the recharge effects of precipitation on the site. These effects along with evapotranspiration have been taken into account while developing the mathematical model for this site. The groundwater flow direction for most of the parts was consistent with the initial hypothesis. The groundwater model can fairly describe the observed data and can be used for the groundwater prediction.
Interaction; Water Table; Modeling; Groundwater; Surface Water
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