Numerical Studies on Blast Loaded Steel-Concrete Composite Panels
N. Anandavalli; N. Lakshmanan; J. Rajasankar; Amar Prakash
In this study, response of Steel-Concrete Composite (SCC) panels subjected to air-blast loading is numerically simulated by conducting finite element analysis. A simplified approach to generate the finite element model of the SCC panels is proposed. In the proposed approach, solid, plate and link elements are used to represent the concrete core, steel cover plates and through-through connectors respectively. Interface between the solid and plate elements are idealized with surface-to-surface contact elements, which take care of the transfer of forces between solid and plate elements. Application of the proposed approach for analyzing the SCC components is validated through two examples. Static response of a SCC beam is obtained by using the proposed approach, which is in close agreement with the experimental results. Dynamic response of a SCC panel with through-through connectors subjected to blast pressure due to an explosion of 200 kg TNT at 5 m is obtained by using the proposed simplified approach. Peak response is verified with the results obtained by using an analytical approach. Parametric studies are carried out by varying the charge weight, thickness of the cover plates and diameter of shear connector of the SCC panel. Thickness of the cover plates is found to affect the peak response in a nonlinear manner, while diameter of shear connector is found to have only marginal influence on the peak response.
Steel-Concrete Composite; Blast Loading; Peak Displacement; Overpressure; Time-History