
Assessment of the Seismic Behaviour of the Reinforced Concrete Structures Based on the Probabilities: Implementing Fragility Curves

Mohsen Javanpour
The response of reinforced concrete structures to earthquake is a complicated issue that has been the subject of researchers’ studies for years. At present, various methods are used to evaluate the seismic resistance of existing buildings in the world. These methods are established in such ways that they only have an application in different types of reinforced concrete buildings constructed in a country. Therefore, direct application of them in other countries is not possible. On the other hand, design control of the existing reinforced concrete structures and determining their behaviour against earthquake motions, needs a rather easy applied method. One of the main desired goals on this basis is to introduce a new method for computing the probability of vulnerability of reinforced concrete structures that besides simplicity, and accuracy in computation, presents a more realistic and pragmatic probability of structures vulnerability and also can readily compute the level of vulnerability of other structures and be able to present in valid regulations of seismic design of structures, because it seems that it expresses the Log normal distribution probability very conservatively. Therefore, Logistic probability distribution was studied and it appeared that it has the ability of computing probability of vulnerability of the structures with high accuracy. In this paper, the attempts have been made to apply the logistic distribution simultaneously with the Log-normal distribution and to compare their results.
Vulnerability; Seismic Design; Reinforced Concrete; Logistic Distribution; Probability
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