
Required Professional Training in Operations Management: the AsLongOp.Train Project

Nouha Taifi; Moussa Taifi
In the actual complex environment, the human capital in the organizations are continuously in need of competences development since the products, services, systems and processes of the firms are subject to incremental and/or radical innovation. For that and specially in the field of operations, it is essential to know when exactly there is a need for professional training for both trainers and trainees. The trainers must be informed on when to be ready to provide new professional trainings and the trainees must be aware of their need for professional as a result to specific changes in their organizations. Thus, the paper presents an important projet –AsLongOp.Train- investigating on the factors showing there is a requirement for professional training in the operations and designing a software –AsLongOp.Train- enabling trainers and trainees to tell and to know respectively, there is a need for professional training for continuous high performance and customers satisfaction. The software will facilitate and accelerate the information diffusion about the professional training requirement and accelerate the provision of professional training so firms in the environment can pace with its increasing complexity.
Operations Management; Professional Training; Intelligent Systems; Agent Modeling
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