
Review and Evaluation Criteria for Software Tools Supporting the Implementation of the RCM Methodology

Adolfo Crespo; Carlos Carlos; Vicente González-Prida; Luis Barberá
This paper tries to help industrial organizations in the process of RCM software tools characterization and evaluation. We This paper tries to help industrial organizations in the process of RCM software tools characterization and evaluation. We first review different types of software platforms structures that support the RCM methodology implementation and then we propose a series of benchmarks to assess, weigh and compare these types of tools, concentrating on essential methodological issues that must be met for successful implementation of RCM methodology in any organization. The structure, main features and functionalities of three different platform proxies are described. This is done in order to characterize the various operating structures of these kinds of software tools, but also to facilitate the comparison among them through a descriptive and practical tabular analysis using a referred maturity model.
Maintenance, RCM, software, evaluation methodology, maturity model, information systems.
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