Experimental and Numerical Analysis for the Structural Identification of the Dynamical Properties of a Masonry Building Prototype
Fabio De Angelis; Donato Cancellara
Masonry buildings are known to be characterized by poor performances during seismic events. In fact, their behavior is not optimal when they are loaded by horizontal forces associated to the seismical actions on the structure. In order to characterize the dynamical properties of masonry buildings when subject to horizontal forces, a masonry building prototype has been realized in the laboratory and an experimental investigation campaign has been conducted with the aim of determining a structural identification of the masonry building prototype. Furtherly, the characterization of the structure is also performed via a numerical analysis of the dynamical behavior of the masonry building. Numerical tests are performed and a finite element model of the masonry building prototype is presented in order to achieve the characterization of the dynamical parameters through a comparative analysis of the experimental and the numerical data. Accordingly, in the present paper an experimental campaign is illustrated which has been performed on a masonry building prototype for studying the structural behavior of the masonry building subject to harmonic horizontal forces of different intensity. A physical model is realized in the laboratory by considering a two-storey masonry building. The structure test is subjected to harmonic horizontal force inputs supplied by a vibrodyne. The experimental results characterize the dynamical effects of the masonry building prototype subject to harmonic forces and illustrate the behavior of the building under the predominant actions of a seismic input. Further a finite element modeling of the masonry building prototype is considered and a numerical analysis is performed for describing the dynamical features of the system. The finite element modeling of the structure has the aim to reproduce the experimental testings of the masonry building subject to the harmonic force inputs. For different monitored nodal points of the finite element mesh, the frequency response functions corresponding to the frequency load inputs are determined. Consequently, a comparative analysis is reported in order to perform the characterization of the suitable dynamical parameters of the structure and to finalize the structural identification of the masonry building. Such comparative analysis between the experimental results obtained on the masonry building prototype and the numerical results obtained with the finite element analysis allows assessing the calibration of the material dynamical parameters for characterizing the dynamical behavior of the masonry structure. The proper assessment of the dynamical parameters of the masonry building allows having a refined structural identification of the masonry building for a better and more accurate simulation of the dynamical behavior of the structure.
Experimental Results; Finite Elements; Masonry Building; Numerical Modeling; Structural Identification