Methodology to Assess Risks in Virtual Organization
Mohammad Alawamleh
This paper will detail the methodology used to conduct the risk management in virtual organization research. The research this paper describes is an applied research aiming to find practical solutions to a problem that exists in reality rather than being a research that is concerned with theory only. In the first section there will be an introduction and overview of the complex study and the vital need for an innovation design and systematic approach to deal with the area of risk with. In the second section, the research objectives will be summarised to give directions to the rest of the research. In the third section, the design of the research includes primary and secondary research. The approaches including quantitative, qualitative data and triangulation discussion are taken place in the forth section. Section five will deal with the research methods used for this kind of research, describing how the research has been undertaken using combination and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods and providing a summary of Warfield’s ISM and Saaty’s ANP before the conclusion to end the paper.
Risk; Virtual Organization; VO; ISM; ANP; Networking; SME