Volume 1 Issue 2
Authors: Mohammad Alawamleh
Abstract: This paper will detail the methodology used to conduct the risk management in virtual organization research. The research this paper describes is an applied research aiming to find practical solutions to a problem that exists in reality rather than being a research that is concerned with theory only. In the first section there will be an introduction and overview of the complex study and the vital need for an innovation design and systematic approach to deal with the area of risk with. In the second section, the research objectives will be summarised to give directions to the rest of the research. In the third section, the design of the research includes primary and secondary research. The approaches including quantitative, qualitative data and triangulation discussion are taken place in the forth section. Section five will deal with the research methods used for this kind of research, describing how the research has been undertaken using combination and triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods and providing a summary of Warfield’s ISM and Saaty’s ANP before the conclusion to end the paper.
Keywords: Risk; Virtual Organization; VO; ISM; ANP; Networking; SME
Authors: Shigeru Yamada; Junpei Yamakawa
Abstract: Software development projects influenced by many human factors often generate risks caused by various software process problems. These risks lead to QCD (Quality, Cost, and Delivery) related problems, such as system failures after release, budget overrun, and delivery delay which may cause the project to fail. Therefore, in order to make a software project successful, it is important to perform process monitoring activities and design quality evaluation ones. In this paper, considering the initial project risks, we conduct statistical analysis by using software process monitoring data obtained by above activities, and discuss the effect of two activities. We also discuss the significant process factors affecting QCD.
Keywords: Initial Project Risk; Process Monitoring; Design Quality Evaluation; Principal Component Analysis; Multiple Regression Analysis; Discriminant Analysis
Authors: Yee Ming Chen; Yu-Pu Chiu; Han-wei Wu
Abstract: Accurate estimation of the peel force of the hot-air soldering ribbon interconnects has been recognized as an important issue for the combined tabber/ stringer (CTS) soldering process. Although there are empirical formulas available for quality of adhesive interconnects estimation, but their performances are not all satisfactory due to the complicated nature of the soldering process and the data availability. For this purpose, artificial neural networks (ANN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) models were developed to estimate force of solder ribbon interconnects on silicon solar cells is implemented. The solderability and quality of the solar cell interconnection zone is an important criterion which has to be ensured. Pulling of ribbons from pre-damaged cells leads to large silicon disruptions. Therefore, instead of testing the solder interconnection, the ribbon peel force test of the solar cells is estimated. The paper focuses on a development of an innovative ANFIS estimator, evaluation of the test method and results for the interconnection quality. The result also indicated that the ANFIS estimator could evaluate the output response in high prediction accuracy even using limited training data.
Keywords: Solar cells; Soldering; Artificial Neural networks; Fuzzy Logic; Interconnection