
Content Analysis of Business Processes

Maya Lincoln; Avi Wasser; Reuven Karni
BPM identifies, comprehends and manages business processes both within and across organizational units. This requires understanding of the totality and interrelationships of an enterprise process suite – a complex undertaking, given a number of processes involved. We suggest a method for supporting the management of a business process suite from action- and object-based perspectives. We abstract the action verb and the object noun from each process descriptor, and perform a frequency analysis. Through a Pareto approach, those common to a large number of processes are identified. Semantic analysis of significant actions provides three directions for BPM support: locating actions in the planning, execution and control domains; identifying common procedures to be implemented; and ascertaining where operational coordination and consistency is required between organizational units. The corresponding analysis of significant nouns provides further directions: locating objects in the origination, modification, authorization, retrieval and transfer stages; and ascertaining and coordinating object flows between organizational functions.
Business Process Management; Business Action Analysis; Business Object Analysis; Process Content Analysis; Pareto Analysis
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